Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

This year was the most low key ever - we didnt do our annual carving contest, we didnt go to a party and we didnt do costumes (though danny said we are "mom and dad" this year). It was nice to have danny off for 2 weeks so we just keep the "staycation" going and relaxed. Jack did have a few halloween items from family and we got him a costume that we had to put on him (thats way too big!). I did "pump and dump" and had some brews though! Next year will be more a Corrigan style Halloween :)

TOUCHDOWN!!! This will actually get some good use beyond Halloween...super bowl party for sure!

Bachan Judy got me this - it barely fit over my head!

Mom took a few pics of me in this and I was making funny faces at her....(i love this)

Grandma Kathy painted my face on a pumpkin and Bachan made me this "jack" o lantern.


Hayley said...

First off congrats momma he is precious!!!!!

Secondly, a tip on the pump and dump, the only time that it is necessary to do that is if you are feeling more then tipsy. So 2 beers isn't worth dumping your liquid gold!!

Looking forward to seeing more on your new life as a mom!!

Four to Score said...

he must be the cutest little jack-o-lantern ever!

and for real, that football costume is too funny. i remember you telling me that he was gonna swim in it, no doubt!

happy first halloween buddy ;-)

love you jack!