Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas 2011

Saturday (Christmas Eve) was my moms annual party. Small crowd this year but good food and drinks (I had Odouls - lucky me!)

 29 weeks on Christmas!

 Christmas day was busy! Jack was up at 6am...come on kiddo! But we let dad sleep in till 8 and then it was gift time!

Jack started out great ripping open the gifts...then totally distracted by the opened gifts...took a while to get through it all!

 Aunt Kim and Uncle Gary send the best themed gifts - this time was fireman stuff: books, a hat, and fire truck!

 His new reading chair from Santa
 Grandpa and Grandma C sent him Rocking Elmo - jack loves to dance to him!
 A new book bag for the new school year and his new toddler class room - Im not going to lie...looks sooooo cute on him...big boy!
Of course mom and dad opened their gifts - Danny is such a great gift giver (just like his family). He remembers things I say I want all year long - even when I forgot I wanted it! I got Danny a Blackberry Playbook so I didnt do too bad this year either :)

Then Grandma, Uncle Chris and Uncle Jason came over.

 Grandma made jack a new "Jack Book - Vol 2" all about his 1st year and his accomplishments.

 Aunt Christy got Jack a sled - now we just need some snow....
 At 1 we went to my dads house for annual gift opening and xmas dinner.
 Uncle Chris makes a scary Santa.

 Jack is taking Bapa to the International Car Show in March.

 Bapa and Bachan got jack a new Kindle Fire. He can now watch all the airplane, big truck and kiddo videos he wants. Plus he got an email address so family can email him so years from now he can look back and read what they said to him.
 Bachan and Jack checking out the new toy.

We are so lucky to have such great family. They are so generous to us and Jack. We love you all so much! Lets hope 2011 is super duper to us all!

Molos Christmas Vacation Party

Last weekend was the annual TRHHSAC Xmas party - held at the Mosers new house. The theme was Christmas Vacation! I should have just came dressed as Margo dang it (I dont know Margooo!) - when will i have the chance to dress like someone of my name ever again! UGH!

Gina and Danny came as Uncle Eddie (shitters full!)
Then we had 3 Clarks.

Jack came as Santa - we stuffed him that suit...barely fit!
Uncle Mark and Auntie Andrea brought Jack a gift! A school bus - he loves it.
The Silnes' at first got our gifts on the elephant exchange....
 Danny got a wine opener - best gift of the night...but the Silni had the last turn so they stole it and we got ours back! However, we left the Corona bottle and trivial pursuit on the front porch as we left hahahahahah!
The Mosers with their Nationwide Insurance travel mugs.
Then we all played Taboo - the crew is just not good at playing games. They get heated. this was reminiscent of the board game olympics of 2010....lots of bickering and lots of "timeouts" - but thats how we roll!!!!!!!! Good times were had by all!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

NYC for the day

The directors treated us to a day of shopping in NYC for the holidays last week. 1/2 of the group went Monday and the other half (including me) went Wednesday. The last time I went was in the summer, so was a tad worried about walking the city in the cold!! But we had specatular weather - not a cloud in the sky and 40s!

The Limited Brands shuttle takes off at 6:45, but its a private terminal and no need to check in - just show your Limited Brands badge. It was raining so we got to load up in the hanger - Entourage style LOL.

 Beautiful ride in from Tetterboro Airport with the sun and skyline...and I didnt even get car sick.

 The shops didnt open til 10 so after the chartered bus dropped us off, we made a pitstop at Rockefeller...
 The 2 pregnant gals.

 Lauren and I ran over to see the Today show...Hoda and Kathy Lee were on.

 We stopped at St Patricks church to check it out the architecture and light candles.

 While at Bendels - I saw journalist David Gregory - dang he was tall. Of course while Heather and I were in Jill Sanders, the rest of the group saw Anthony Edwards - goose!

 We ate lunch on the 9th floor of Barneys. No celebrity sighting but usually a coworker sees someone. However, the food was amazing (and pricey - thanks BBW!)

Lady Gaga has a limited time charity store set up on the 5th floor to benefit children. Wacky items (stiletto high heel xmas stockings to moustache candies) but was super cool.

 Our group was mid/uptown so we got the posh stores and central park. Was fun walking that part of town (last time was Soho by the NY BBW office).
William Tecumseh Sherman statue at the park - score!
We had to get to Chesley Market last before getting picked up at 5, so around 3:30 we tried to hail a cab on 81st (to get all the way to 15th!). Naturally it was the time that the drivers have a shift change - no one wanted to take us!!! After 20 mins, Anne told me to stick out my belly - ya right, like that would work. Sure enough in 1 min a guy pulled over and actually said he would take us. His words "Im taking the baby, not you" LOL. He was super nice. 

Overall awesome, fun, quick trip but nice to get back to my boys.