Saturday (Christmas Eve) was my moms annual party. Small crowd this year but good food and drinks (I had Odouls - lucky me!)
29 weeks on Christmas!
Christmas day was busy! Jack was up at 6am...come on kiddo! But we let dad sleep in till 8 and then it was gift time!
Jack started out great ripping open the gifts...then totally distracted by the opened gifts...took a while to get through it all!
Aunt Kim and Uncle Gary send the best themed gifts - this time was fireman stuff: books, a hat, and fire truck!
His new reading chair from Santa
Grandpa and Grandma C sent him Rocking Elmo - jack loves to dance to him!
A new book bag for the new school year and his new toddler class room - Im not going to lie...looks sooooo cute on him...big boy!
Of course mom and dad opened their gifts - Danny is such a great gift giver (just like his family). He remembers things I say I want all year long - even when I forgot I wanted it! I got Danny a Blackberry Playbook so I didnt do too bad this year either :)
Then Grandma, Uncle Chris and Uncle Jason came over.
Grandma made jack a new "Jack Book - Vol 2" all about his 1st year and his accomplishments.
Aunt Christy got Jack a sled - now we just need some snow....
At 1 we went to my dads house for annual gift opening and xmas dinner.
Uncle Chris makes a scary Santa.
Jack is taking Bapa to the International Car Show in March.
Bapa and Bachan got jack a new Kindle Fire. He can now watch all the airplane, big truck and kiddo videos he wants. Plus he got an email address so family can email him so years from now he can look back and read what they said to him.
Bachan and Jack checking out the new toy.
We are so lucky to have such great family. They are so generous to us and Jack. We love you all so much! Lets hope 2011 is super duper to us all!