Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010

Our holiday started early with the tradition of going to see Christmas lights. Danny took us to a neihborhood that had synced lights to music that was on a radio station! Pretty cool. Lots of cars so took a while in traffic but was worth it.

Heres jack in the back

This house is actually in gahanna (our neighborhood) and its amazing. This picture doesnt do it justice.
Friday night was moms annual Xmas Eve party. Good food and drink. Was a late night!

Gina and Collin came!
Christmas Morning! Lots of gifts for a happy jack!

Mom and the brothers came over for breakfast and gifts.

Then off to my dads for more gifts and dinner. Was a great day!

2 months old

Jack is 2 months old (9 weeks!). Here are a few shots from this week but bc it was xmas week, there are a lot from the holiday which will be in a later post!

Monday started off with his 2 month shots. Dad left work and met us at the pediatricians office. The minute he was prepping the shots - i left! Daddy surprised us and took the rest of the day off so we hungout and watched Inception while the little man slept.

Thursday I took Jack to my office to meet my friends and see where I work. The team got Chipotle so i came on a good day!

Heres mommys desk/cube! He doesnt want me to go back to work as you can see.

We took some pics of him in his I love Dad shirt bc he saved the day when he had to get his shots.

Random hand shot
This is a hat and booties from baby gap that heather from work got him - too cute! RRRrrrrr!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

a week before christmas

Its less than a week till Christmas now! Saturday got us in the spirit. We started the morning with an extra long line at Starbucks (I needed my eggnog latte!), then to Danny's work who had Santa in for the kids. It was really sweet of them PLUS we didnt have to wait in a long line. After that, we headed to Easton for some shopping.

Danny and Jack waiting for Santa.

Who's this "Santa" you keep talking about?
Who this guy? He is kinda scary....
He is squishing me.
We are looking at the professional camera in this one.
After shopping we got supplies for our xmas cookies. This year Danny made his classic wreaths, chocoloate chip cookies (which he pulled a Margaux and forgot the brown sugar). I made chocolate truffles and sugar cookies (my sugar cookies were made from packaged dough and they spread while cooking so they lost their shape and I screwed up the frosting - so overall worst sugar cookies ever but they taste good).

Snow, Baileys, Bud Lights, Holiday movies, cookies, and a fire. Nothing was better this Saturday.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tis' the Season!

This week definitely made it feel like the holidays! It was busy! Jack and I went lots of places: Debi's to visit her and Grace, grocery shopping, Target, Babies R Us, Grandpa's House, Uncle Jason's House, and Gina's House!

Its been really cold so Jack had to bundle up!

Thursday night was moms 61st Birthday. We had a nice dinner at Jasons.

Friday we went to Grandpa's. There is an artists studio sale this weekend so dad and judy were getting their stuff done. This is a robot that my dad made named "Neon-a-tron" - he says its Jacks robot :) I put jack in his new rocket onesie so we had to get a pic of them together.

Friday was our "clubs" holiday party. We of course showed up rocking our ugly xmas sweater vests and we even got jack an ugly xmas onesie! He hated getting his picture taken - i dont blame him .

We exchanged giftcards this year. I thought it was funny for us to give cards that had remaining balances...yeah it was pretty funny. Gina didnt.
Saturday Danny finally got some xmas lights up - he didnt put that many but at least we have some. the weathers been cold so a break in the temps allowed him to get out there! Its a bad cell phone pic.

Sunday we got a few inches of snow :) So pretty. Perfect football watching weather with a pot of chili!