Sunday, November 14, 2010

3 weeks - venture out week

This week was "venture out week". Monday (or heck might have been tuesday!) was a LONG walk with parker. The weather was stellar out so had to take advantage!

Wednesday Grandpa came over and we went on a super long walk at a park with trails. Was so warm out I was sweating!

Thursday we went to Grandmas house for lunch!

Friday we went to my co worker beckys house to see her twins! They are 4.5 months old - they were premies but are doing amazing! They are HUGE now!

Saturday was stay at home day - I ran some errands (including finally got my "push gift" ring back from our jewelers all sized and ready to wear!) I came home to my boys relaxing.

Sunday morning faces

His Bears onesie fits wayyyy better at 3 weeks old than 3 days old! haha! They won this week!


Tara and Jeff said...

Love the tounge pic and of course the Bears outfits and the sunday faces...okay I love them all :)

Four to Score said...

okay so at first i thought he looked like mama. but on pic #2 of this post - he's doing the EXACT same head tilt that danny does for every single picture he's in and he kinda looks like daddy.

what's the consensus between you two?

what a cute little pumpkin! wish i could see him sooner ;-(