Saturday, September 1, 2012

Riley 6 months

Time has flown and Riley is 6 freaking months already! She is just the cutest thing...

Babbling all the time (plus the cutest "sighs"), she can't be in a room without jack, loves to sit up and take every toy put of the bucket, when on her belly she pushes those chubby legs and reaches like she wants to crawl so bad, loves solids but hates peas, has had bread and pieces of banana. Her teachers at school thinks she is so advanced for her age that they just try new things with her bc they think she can did it. Pretty funny.

What blows my mind is that in 2 months she'll be 8 months old and that's how old jack was when we found out Riley was coming!

Can't wait to see what she is like in another 6 months at 1 year!!!

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