Sunday, September 25, 2011

Its a girl!

Before we started the Gina/Collin wedding extravaganza, we headed to First Expressions 3D/4D ultrasound to see if we could get a peek at the bun in the over. We went there to preview jack too :) It took a little time (the baby was curled up/then moving all over/then showing the back) but finally we saw what we needed - and it was the 3 lines - a girl!!! she was nonstop moving so we didnt get that many good pictures (even the tech felt bad for us!) But thats ok - we did see all the parts and she was doing good. Next Dr visit we wont get the 20 week ultrasound (we'll only be 17.5 weeks so we will the following visit at 22 weeks) so hope then we can get another good look and get some more technical stats. But she is looking good!

Hard to see but lines for sure - she was so quick in there!

She kept hiding her face (modest like her mom)

Keep cooking in there - we will see you come March!

1 comment:

Four to Score said...

we cant wait to meet little miss!