Saturday, March 28, 2009

spring is around the corner

Winter was wasnt too long this year but it was a cold one with lots of wind and snow. On todays walk with Parker, you could see signs of spring - people were outside, dogs were outside, blooms are peaking out of the this time of year! We can start our weekend bike rides - and especially on sunday evenings when we bike or drive to the local ice cream places for a cone.

Parker loves to pose

We met Grady and his grandmom on our walk - Grady had a golden retriever Floyd who past away last year.

This is Casey out for a stroll with his parents.

more blooms

The bushes by the creek are starting to get color!

1 comment:

Four to Score said...

those are GREAT pics! do we have a professional photog on our hands maybe? i love the pic of parker with his tongue hanging out, hilarious! ryan does that at dinner time every night, i should take a picture of that ;-)

it was spring here too. i think it was one day last week but it came and went so fast i can't really remember.