Thursday, December 25, 2008

a corrigan christmas

we had a great holiday this year. we had a super time at my moms annual xmas eve party. christmas morning we opened our gifts, then the brothers and mom came over for breakfast and more gifts. then as always, we head to my dads so again more gifts (hey im not complaining....) and dinner. we got cash from my dad instead of presents so can you say new flatscreen for the livingroom - heck ya! lots of food this year....that new wii fit is going to come in handy.

we hope our friends had a great holiday with their friends and family too!!! 2009 is around the corner.....

will 2009 bring one of these?

moms gingerbread man forgot his pants....

Jason got some light reading for "his office"

1 comment:

Four to Score said...

sounds like you guys had a good time. that's right, spoil yourself now.. may not last forever. kiddos had a great christmas, i had so much fun making it happen for them. it's not even about ryan and i anymore, i was just excited for them!