Sunday, April 12, 2009

easter day

Today had the most beautiful weather for an Easter I can ever remember. We got to enjoy the outdoors without a cloud in the sky!

Got the table all set - we still need matching chairs though!

House got a good cleaning too.

Parker enjoyed the day outside (some pals stopped by). Gus even got to hangout on the top deck - behind bars if course.

The ladies sat in the sun in the way back.

The 2nd Annual Corrigan Cornhole Memorial was not as official as years past but we had a good time - sans trophies.

The food was great, watched the masters and had banana splits for desert. yum. Hope your easter was good too!

1 comment:

Four to Score said...

i love the baseball easter basket, i'll have to try to find one of those. we didn't do anything for the kids for easter, they're still young enough to not know the difference. we just stayed home and did nothing all day. looks like you guys had fun. at least the sun was shining!