Sunday, March 29, 2009

spring time means spring projects

So we LOVE our house and have done sooo many upgrades, but the ugly flooring between our garage and livingroom was really bad. Its old laminate sheet flooring that was white but really stained more of a yellow - yuck. Not only is it in the hallway, but extends into the laundry room and the 1st floor bathroom. Such an eyesore.

We wanted to tile it but that would require my brothers help, so I got some laminate tile and did it myself. Really did not take long (5 hours) but I ran out of tiles (around the toliet). So Ill finish that up this week. Its a great improvment over the gross flooring before. Again, Im not advoacting laminate flooring, but works for me and my OCD for now!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

spring is around the corner

Winter was wasnt too long this year but it was a cold one with lots of wind and snow. On todays walk with Parker, you could see signs of spring - people were outside, dogs were outside, blooms are peaking out of the this time of year! We can start our weekend bike rides - and especially on sunday evenings when we bike or drive to the local ice cream places for a cone.

Parker loves to pose

We met Grady and his grandmom on our walk - Grady had a golden retriever Floyd who past away last year.

This is Casey out for a stroll with his parents.

more blooms

The bushes by the creek are starting to get color!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Phoenix Phun

Just got back from PHX. We had a great time BUT danny got super sick come sunday :(

He was a trooper but slept a lot, so we didnt get to see as many of our friends as possible. Bummer. Since dannys sister is engaged, we will hopefully be back for some wedding prep soon.

Here are some pics...i have a ton but heres some:

We didnt tell dannys mom - so we showed up at dinner outwith Kim and Gary....danny got her good.

Off to a ballgame - dang we miss spring training.

The White Sox beat the Rangers in the 9th with a walk-off homer. Joni & Austin came! Danny and Austin got some good autographs and I got Harold Baines to sign my beer cup. Its all had on me.

We look soooo fake in this photo - pretty funny!
Only in the sun 3 hours and BAM farmers tan.
That night hit up Iguana Macs and Dos Gringos with Frank, Tanya, Leo, Magda, Josh "Pitboss", Austin and Joni.

Too many shots and a VERY late night. Didnt help Danny with being sick.
Had a BBQ at Kim and Garys...I had to take some photos!

Getting in a little sunshine before leaving.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

kim & gary

I just got the news that my sister-in-law and her boyfriend gary got engaged!!! I am soooo happy for them!

I love this picture - it was off a crappy disposable from our wedding but its a cute one!