Friday, November 21, 2008

Nov 21 - the day

Its been 1 year since danny proposed - it went fast. A 10+ month engagement was perfect - as in a perfect amount of time to plan our wedding/party for our friends and family!

1 year since danny poppped the question in AZ at Fiddlesticks...our first date at the batting cages (how perfect)! Colleen and Ryan were in on it and even though i saw them that day - played it cool. After going nuts at fiddlesticks, he took me to the restaurant we ate at after the first date, where friends and family where - what a guy. he got me good! heres some pics from memory lane....


Four to Score said...

oh look it's the engagement night. i had long hair and kylee looked like a boy. how things do change! okay, my blog title is back now.

Tara and Jeff said...

I remember the phone call from Dmoney on how he was deciding to ask you, he was so nervous and so excited. Orginally I told him to create a mock Fiddlesticks in your back yard, so the "real" place is always best