Thursday, July 17, 2014

Tball Season 2014

6 weeks ago we weren't too sure what to expect for 3 and 4 year old tball, but these kids sure did improve and learn the game! Jack was in the Yankees (ugh) and we ended up winning the championship this week! Here's a season in review:

Day 1: this was interesting 

Day 2: it's starting to make sense 
Playing first and learning to stop the ball and tag the base
Week 2: first out of the season! Jack got him!

Week 4: grandpa and grandma Corrigan came to see tball!

Week 5: making plays!

Week 6: tournament time! We won Mondays game (which I had to miss!!!) but in the next was the championship game...and we won 4-2! We can from behind with 2 RBIs from jack for the win! He had 3 total! Go Yankees!

Tonight was the family picnic and skills drills. Was a fun season - and next year they will both be on the team!
First place!

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