Sunday, February 27, 2011

perfect sunday to end the week

What a week - was happy for the weekend. I worked a TON (booo) and it was jacks last week at Dannys work daycare. They were so awesome there. I know Jack had a blast. They were so sweet to and on his last day, they gave us a book with pictures of him during his time there - even with his hand prints on the last page :)

Heres a picture of a picture of him during "music" day....of course with spit up coming out of his mouth.

Friday Dad and Judy picked Jack up from daycare so mom and dad could have a date night! It was our first without the boy - Kim and Gary got us awesome tickets to the Blue Jackets - Coyotes game Friday night. Sort of funny story though - Danny listens to "The Torg" a sports radio guy everyday (he even came from AZ). A few years ago we hungout with him and danny has his #. Well as I was driving home Friday there wasnt any music on so I turned it to that channel and he was on talking about how he was going to the game. So I told Danny and he texted him. Sure enough, he met us at the bar pregame for some drinks (and a shot!). We hungout with him a little at the game and for a drink afterwards as the traffic died down. Danny was a "little starstruck" he said - so cute. The guy is super nice and Im sure we'll meet up with him again. He did mention going bowling....

Heres are our sweet seats!

Jack is still learning to eat his food - dude the spoon goes in your mouth, not your head :)

Hoppin on pop saturday morning. Very "chill" day.

Sunday we had the best weather! We took a nice family walk!

Grandma stopped by for her "orientation" because tomorrow she starts her babysitting!! She brought over a "johnny bouncer" for jack - we'll have to practice tonight b/c the first attempt was a FAIL!

Monday, February 21, 2011

17 Weeks

Last week was a good week - but Jack wasnt getting rid of his cold so we got some antibotics and he is doing much better. But other than that - he was awesome. He's getting so big. Always trying to hold his bottle by himself...

...all dressed up for the ladies at daycare on Vday (thanks Alistair!)...

...rolling all over the place...danny went to pick him up and he rolled off the mat to the floor - too cute just smiling away...
...lifting his head way up in the air...
...eating from a spoon...

...waiting at the drs office...

...napping with his pal the furry hippo...

...and today he had his wellness check up. 14.5 lbs (45% - sounds like a margaux/danny kid :), 26.5" long (90%) with a 17" round head (75%). Dr says he has a super strong neck and is doing great! go jack!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

first food!

Today Jack tasted his first "food" - organic brown rice cereal! At first he seemed OK with it...but he wasnt digging it after a few minutes. We alternated between that and the bottle. He started to catch on...he'd see the spoon coming and grab the bottle and hold it....haha - what a smarty.

Here it comes!

Not too sure about this...
Its OK
Lets try some more

After all that - out cold

Good job Jack!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

another weekend gone

Another weekend gone bye. This weekend was kinda busy. Last weekend tara brought sacks and sacks of alistairs old clothes for us to go through. That got me in the mood today to organize jacks clothes and get some cute outfits picked out for AZ next month - this is coming for sure!

Saturday we dropped Jack off with grandpa and drove to Ikea in Cincinnati. We got a new couch, chair and ottoman for the family room. The pics arent great (iphone shots) and we now need a new rug in there. But they are pretty cool.

Jack getting a head kiss from grandpa

Sitting in his highchair

I LOVE the grey texture.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

16 Weeks

Jack is so amazing. I feel like each week there is something new. This week brought lots of "talking", reaching out to grab anything you put in his face (and him holding it), not only rolling from his tummy to his back BUT also from his back to his tummy. He amazes me every day.

Super Jack!

Grabbing parkers nose

Just looking cute :)

I ordered him some Vans just like dad! They are a little big but still too cute!

Teaching me his flash cards

Head up - no big deal!
Talking & giggling up a storm!The giggling video is much easier to hear :)

Super Bowl XLV

This year none of our teams were in it, but that didnt stop us from having some peeps over. Tara and Jeff came down from Cleveland with Alistair and their new addition Autumn (who is 2 weeks younger than jack!). It was their first date. Was a fun day!

I think they both liked each other :)

Whoa - thats a bright flash!

Taking a nap together

I stole this picture from Tara - I didnt take any pics that day - bad margaux!