Sunday, March 7, 2010

lucky strike

Saturday night the TRHHSAC (Totally Rad Happy Hour Social and Athletic Club) went bowling. The club did well all around except for Ginas 40 in the last game. We also witnessed a pretty trashy couple full-on making out at the alley...unfortunately, i couldnt get a good shot - or maybe for you guys, a good thing. Made me throw up in my mouth a little.

Danny was bowling awesome! Roy Munson had nothing on him!
Gina, not so much.
Andrea looks like a figure skater.
Mark waxing his ball (that joke never gets old at the alley)
Look! We all bowled strikes when it came to gina's turn...i dont think she ot 1 pin down.

Collin ended up with the highest score and he took home the trophy. And to end this post, lets take a look at the love birds across the way from us. Straight up nasty!

1 comment:

Four to Score said...

how fun! man - me and gina are alike, we could start our own team. maybe one with a handicap!

can't wait to see you guys in a couple weeks!

sorry friend - been a little busy lately. i'm not ignoring you on purpose, i swear!