Thursday, February 21, 2013

Official Walker!

Well finally after months of holding our finger walking and the past few weeks only a few steps - shes on her own!

Monday she started to walk about 8 feet between us and today (Thursday) she is walking all over the place! Here are a few videos of our big girl!

The first video is from Monday and the second is from Wednesday:

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy valentines day!

Was a great day! The kiddos opened their gifts at breakfast, we opened cards (Mani pedi this weekend for me!), dropped the kids off who parties at school. I made those super cute pinterest "im glad we are in the same school" vdays for their classmates.

My work had an appreciation station to fill out cards with candy for co workers and a palm reader lol! I got a great reading (with my solemate ;). Was a fun day but I had to stay till 6:30 tonight boooo. I picked up some surprise sushi, came home and Danny made chocolate covered strawberries - he always ups me at the holidays!!! Love you guys!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

11 months!

We've gotten lots of 3-4 steps at a time so hoping for a walking kiddo super soon!

She will walk all day holding your finger, leans in when you ask for a kiss, done eating baby food and climbs all over the basement jungle gym...sounds like almost toddle status - 1 month to go!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Isaac turns 1

Well at work 3 of us were back to back to back with kiddos. Isaac the first out had his birthday this weekend. They had it at Graeters ice cream with the playspace. Was our first time there! Lots of fun. Up next is Holden on the 18th, then Riley turns 1 on march 6! It's hard to believe she isn't 11 months yet but 1 year is around the corner!