So Jack only likes the Soothie binkies and I looked everywhere for binkie clips that hold that style...finally after constantly finding his under the couch or not at all, I saw someone on Etsy who made these....I was going to buy it and thought "dude, I have a bunch of awesome fabric - I could make these but look even cooler" - Bam. Done.
We dont have a name yet but Danny is calling it the "Binkie Bro" - its cute for boy versions but Im not sold yet. I need to come up with a name and logo. After our AZ trip Ill start on it.
Here are some that I made this weekend. Jacks been wearing his and its great!!! Autumn is getting hers shipped tomorrow :)
Jack will obvisouly be in the marketing - here he is practicing:
In my mouth...
Oh no, I grabbed it...where will it go?
Oh no problem, its attached to my shirt. Wheewwwww.
We dont have a name yet but Danny is calling it the "Binkie Bro" - its cute for boy versions but Im not sold yet. I need to come up with a name and logo. After our AZ trip Ill start on it.
Here are some that I made this weekend. Jacks been wearing his and its great!!! Autumn is getting hers shipped tomorrow :)
In my mouth...